Ryoriya Sobiki was the first Michelin restaurant we visited in 2022 right when the borders opened up. A cozy ambiance with high quality ingredients. Omakase of course

Location: 30 min train ride from Hiroshima Station to Saijo Station and about a 10 minute walk from the station so plan accordingly!

Drinks: I opted for a red wine. I'm no connoisseur but tasted excellent to me!

Food: Ryoriya changes the menu seasonally, in which this case is Autumn. We especially loved how Chef Yasumasa Sobiki incorporated elements of the seasons into the decor; little details like the color palette of the dishes to serve the foods. Up until this point, our only exposure to Michelin was French Laundry so the bar was set very high to say the least. We loved every dish presented to us, high quality ingredients, delicious flavors and textures and beautiful presentation. The only one I was a little squeamish about was Shirako (which is the sperm sacs of male cod) - turns out this is a popular dish in the autumn. One of our favorites by far was the Grilled Red Snapper, so meaty without being overly oily.

Ambience: Professional, excellent service and friendly

Overall Rating: 5/5: If you're in the Hiroshima area and looking for some Omakase, highly recommend!